Own a Moldman Mold & Water Damage Restoration Franchise
No Franchise Fee to Join, Low Start-up Costs, Strong Branding & Online Lead Generation, Great Industry!
‼️ Attention Mold Pros ‼️
Mold professionals get a serious head-start when they own a Moldman franchise.
With proven systems and strong online lead generation from Moldman, mold professionals can achieve their income goals much faster than doing it alone. Complete the quick form and fast-forward your bank account today!

What You Get with Moldman
Strong online marketing &
lead generation
Eye catching brand that appeals to customers
Work from
Training, support
& business coaching
Why Own a Business?
Be your own boss & control your own destiny
Make your own schedule/work-life balance
Build an asset that you can sell when you retire
Build something to pass on to your kids
The pride of entrepreneurship
Be recognized in your community
Benefits of business ownership.
Always in demand, even in recessions
High dollar jobs
In and out of jobs (most take 1-2 days)
Normal weekday hours (nights/weekends are rare)
Helping people live healthier lives
Restoration is a $210 billion dollar industry, and growing
Benefits of a mold business.
Why a Franchise?
Go it Alone.
No training and support
No proven systems
No proven results
On an island of one
Slow startup
Make common mistakes
No brand awareness
Own a Franchise.
Training and support
Proven systems
Proven results
Be a part of something
Quick startup
Avoid common mistakes
Brand awareness
Why Moldman?
Our Franchise.
No franchise fee to join
No gimmicks
Low startup costs
Simple 15% royalty
Structure without micromanagement
Normal work schedule (nights and/or weekends are very rare)
Other Franchises.
25k+ franchise fee to join
Lots of gimmicks
High startup costs
Confusing and deceptive royalty structures
Rigid rules & requirements
Stressful work schedule (many are open 24/7)

‼️ Attention Mold Pros ‼️
You and your home inspector contacts already see lots of mold. Why not turn it into extra income?
Home inspectors just like you are fixing mold problems for customers and making big money doing it. Contact Moldman today so we can show you how!